time2shine draft breadbox

Item #: SCP-J

Object Class: Safe Devoured (as of 12:09 PM)

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-J is contained on Dr. Kameda’s desk. No further containment measures are necessary due to the transient nature of SCP-J.

Description: SCP-J is the reoccuring, daily manifestation of a Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme that Dr. Kameda intends to eat for lunch. Repeated tests have shown SCP to manifest every day of the week except for Thursdays, when Dr. Kameda decides to have a salad for once.

Once Dr. Kameda begins to ingest SCP-J, she will show an almost-insatiable desire to finish the rest of the meal, speculated to be a result of the restaurant's decidedly-anomalous tastiness. She will often lose any and all sense of mealtime decorum, emitting animalistic grunts, lip smacks, and slurps while eating. This effect applies to all parts of SCP-J including any derelict pieces of meat and tortilla.

Once fully ingested, Dr. Kameda will usually express a kind of "post-meal regret". This does not (and will probably never) prevent future SCP-J instances from manifesting.


DATE: October 14th, ████

NOTE: The date can literally be anything. Throw a dart at the dartboard and you'll probably hit a day that she's snarfing her T-Bell. - Dr. Kim


12:01 PM: Dr. Kameda takes her lunch break, returning to her office to eat as usual. She unwraps SCP-J and stares at it lovingly.

She grabs SCP-J, wrapper and all, and walks to her personal microwave, humming a happy-sounding tune1.

12:04 PM: After microwaving SCP-J, she quickly removes the object from the microwave chamber, shaking in anticipation. Her smile is wide, an expression of pure delight.
Researcher Boone notes that she looks very similar to the crocodile in Disney’s
Peter Pan2. Video feed supports Researcher Boone's hypothesis.

12:05 PM: Without grabbing a plate or napkin, Dr. Kameda begins to messily devour SCP-J. She eats with reckless abandon, caring not if she spills on the floor of her office, which she regularly forgets is shared by Dr. Sierra. Loud, guttural chomping sounds are heard over audio.

Luckily for Dr. Kameda, the office is soundproofed.

Researcher Note: God damnit, Sanae. - Dr. Sierra

12:09 PM: The feeding has finished. SCP-J (or what remains of the anomaly) is scattered across Dr. Kameda’s desk.

Text in blood begins to scrawl across the surface of the desk from an unknown source reading, “the deed is done.”3

12:11 PM: Dr. Kameda remarks that SCP-J was so good, she wishes she could "un-eat" it4.


Researcher Note: Thanks for putting a camera in my office, dickheads. - Dr. Kameda