joke scp cocoa puffs
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Item #: SCP-303-J


Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-303-J is to be locked in an steel windowless cube with no video surveillance of any kind. SCP-303-J is placed upon a pedestal, and said pedestal must be blocked off by
an electrified, barb-wired fence with a height of at least 6 meters. It is recommended that SCP-303-J is completely covered in aluminum foil so that no portion of it is visible. Should the foil need ever need to be replaced, available D-class personnel are to be sent in, wearing a full rubber suit with tinted goggles. D-class should be told to not make direct eye contact with SCP-303-J, with the only safe way of viewing it being out of their peripheral vision. Should D-Class make eye contact with SCP-303-J, they are to be terminated by any means possible. Soon after, a second D-class will be sent to clean up the remains. Should the same thing happen, the procedure will be repeated until successful, with the surviving D-class receiving a golden-star sticker and immediate mental help.

Description: SCP-303-J is a average looking box of cereal. The artwork on the front of the box depicts a comically large font spelling the name 'Cocoa Puffs', and an illustration of a humanoid, orange cuckoo bird eating a bowl of cereal. The actual cereal inside is said to be a large amount of chocolate-flavored puffed grain cereal, which is also said to be "so frickin' good!". Anyone who makes visual contact with SCP-303-J will immediately enter a deep trance, as if they've been hypnotized. The viewers pupils then disappear, and are replaced by either comically large, glistening black spots, or a swirling red spiral. The viewer than proceeds to launch in any random direction with a speed of up to 1,700 mph, ricocheting off of any surface they come into contact with. While all the effects take place, subjects are known to chant the phrase "I'm koo-koo for Cocoa Puffs!" repeatedly. Our scientists have coined this effect "The Koo-Koo Effect".

The following is an interview with the first person to experience "The Koo-Koo Effect", AKA SCP-303-1-J.

Interviewed: SCP-303-1-J

Interviewer: Dr.██████

Foreword: SCP-303-1-J is strapped to an electric chair with iron chains and some duct-tape. Dr.█████ walks into the interrogation room, holding a coffee mug and a bowl of cereal.

<Begin Log>

Dr.██████: Alright, lets finish this quick. I can't even finish my damn breakfast without being pulled in for an interview. (whispering) Ummm… why is she tied down? Oh? She wanted it? That's kinda kinky, am I right, guys? (groaning is heard off in the distance) Sorry. Professional.

SCP-303-1-J: (looking up) Hello? Are you my doctor?

Dr.██████: (walking in) Yeah, sure, whatever. Listen, I'm just here to squeeze out some info. Okay, where did you first see this cereal, and how did it effect you?

SCP-303-1-J: Well, I saw it on the shelf while I was grocery shopping. I don't eat cereal, I don't have any children , I don't even have a fucking boyfriend. There is no possible reason I would need that cereal… yet, I had this odd feeling that I needed this cereal. Even if it cost me all the money in the world, or the death of my non-existent children. I wanted that cereal. So i tore it open. Right there, in the aisle. I ate it. All of it. That's when your… "Koo-Koo Effect", took… effect. I bounced everywhere. Off of shelves, off of signs, even off some other people - well, If I didn't go… through them… you know. I'm… I'm just glad to know that it's all over. The cereal's done, the effect is over.
Dr.██████: Uh, ma'am? The cereal was never finished. Also, the effect, as proven by multiple studies, doesn't wear off. The fact that you're still alive, here, with us, is enough to earn yourself SCP classification.
SCP-303-1-J: Oh my god. I swear to Christ, if you're trying to tell me that - holy shit. Doctor… what are you eating?
Dr.██████: I don't know. Some kind of cereal. Found it lying outside on the way here. Why?
<End Log>

Closing Statement: Both Dr.██████ (now known as SCP-303-2-J and "That Guy Who Made That Kink Joke Before he Died") and SCP-303-1-J were terminated following the incident.

Addendum: No one knows how SCP-303-J escaped containment, but no one liked Dr.██████ anyway.