Jess █████ - SCP-10010-J
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Item #: SCP-10010

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-10010-J is to be kept in in a standard furnished humanoid containment chamber at site-██ complete with a computer, bookshelf with books, a refrigerator stocked with iced coffee and tacos, a microwave and a smart phone. Various cameras placed around SCP-10010-J's containment allow for viewing of SCP-10010-J but feed through an AI software to filter out any cognitohazards. The walls are to be coated with titanium plates 1 inch thick to prevent another containment breach. (see incident 10010 Alpha) Access to SCP-10010-J's containment chamber it limited to level 3 personnel and must be overlooked by a level 4 personnel and MTF Lieutenant. SCP-10010-J is to be feed a breakfast of tacos and coffee at 7:00 each morning, a lunch of tacos at 12:30 and a dinner of tacos at 6:30 every day.
SCP-10010-J is to be allowed only on Discord servers "Dreams Facility" and "Peanuts Lab" along with Peanuts Lab on the popular SCP game SCP Secret Lab. In Peanuts Lab on SCP Secret Lab, SCP-10010-J has been made a "Moderator" and believes that it ranks higher than the other moderators on the servers who are really MTF team █████-█. Dream and Professor Puffer, are actually Dr. █████ and Dr. ███████ who rank higher than SCP-10010-J on the servers and have been assigned this job to monitor SCP-10010-J on the servers and prevent SCP-10010-J from overpowering the other moderators on important decisions regarding the integrity of the servers. If these conditions aren't met, SCP-10010-J will breach containment and will go on a rampage attacking the kitchens first and potentially causing many Keter class SCPs to breach containment until lured back into its cell by MTF team █████-█ using pictures of SCP-106 and tacos. SCP-10010-J is allowed to enter and exit its dimension whenever it likes due to the fact that it always reappears in the same location that it entered the dimension and because there is no known way to prevent SCP-10010-J from entering and exiting its dimension. Absolutely no drawing, cutting, sculpting, engraving tools or sturdy sharp objects other than bullets are allowed within 50ft of SCP-10010-J's containment. (see Incident 10010-Alpha) No tacos are to be consumed by anyone other than SCP-10010-J inside of site-██. (see Addendum A)

Description: SCP-10010-J is a 20 year old Caucasian female named Jess █████. SCP-10010-J was contained on July, █ 20██. SCP-10010-J is allowed to access the internet one (1) time a day for four (4) hours on the game Secret Laboratory and Discord servers "Dreams Facility" and "Peanuts Lab". SCP-10010-J is not allowed anywhere near SCP-106 due to [Data Expunged]. SCP-10010-J is drawn towards SCP-106, pictures of SCP-106 and anything associated with SCP-106. Cross testing SCP-10010-J with SCP-106 has been permanently banned. (see testing log 1) SCP-10010-J has no external anomalous properties but when given the ability to draw, SCP-10010-J creates cognitohazards that once viewed, can make the victim do whatever SCP-10010-J desires. SCP 10010-J is immortal though SCP-10010-J doesn't appear to know that due to that fact that like humans, SCP-10010-J can feel pain and become injured. SCP-10010-J has a pocket dimension similar to SCP-106 but once SCP-10010-J returns from its pocket dimension, SCP-10010-J reappears in the exact same location that SCP-10010-J had entered its dimension.



SCP-10010-A: SCP-10010-A is a cognitohazardous drawing made by SCP-10010-J on May, ██, ████. SCP-10010-A causes a viewer to hallucinate and see many other, seemingly random cognitohazards that don't actually exist as well as seeing SCP-10010-A as a sentient being vastly more powerful than humans. The actions that SCP-10010-A makes a viewer do is different from person to person but always ends up with SCP-10010-J breaching containment, the viewer trying to convince others to praise SCP-10010-A and the viewer committing suicide. SCP-10010-A was blown up with 1lb of C4 and all living viewers were terminated.

SCP-10010-B: SCP-10010-B is a cognitohazardous image created by SCP-100100-J with Adobe Photoshop. (see Incident 10010-Alpha) Viewers of SCP-10010-B can never forget the image and it will slowly appear in every aspect of their life slowly driving the viewer crazy until they either get their memory wiped or commit suicide. Viewers of SCP-10010-B describe SCP-10010-B as a horrifying image that "should be banished to the deepest, darkest circle of hell."

Addendum A: After test 10010-J-1, there are to be no tacos consumed by anyone other than SCP-10010-J in site-██.

Addendum B: After incident 10010-Alpha, all nailed/screwed together furniture was removed from SCP-10010-J's containment. SCP-10010-J is no longer allowed to have kitchen knives, metal door handles, a flashlight, batteries, and metal kitchen utensils. The walls inside of SCP-10010-J's containment have been reinforced with 1 inch thick titanium plates. SCP-10010-J's has its cell checked for sharp durable objects randomly per day. More security cameras have also been added to SCP-10010-J's cell to ensure that nothing sharp and durable is kept within SCP-10010-J's cell.

Addendum C: After cross testing between SCP-106 and SCP-10010-J, SCP-106 has PTSD and threatens to breach containment should he see SCP-10010-J ever again. SCP-10010-J wants to see SCP-106 again and quote "Had a great time but didn't get to eat tacos with him." Cross testing between SCP-10010-J and SCP-106 is permanently banned.


Incident 10010-Alpha: [6:16:36] Janitor drops pocket knife in SCP-10010-J's containment chamber
[6:20:14] SCP-10010-J notices the pocket knife
[6:20:36] SCP-10010-J picks up the pocket knife
[6:24:02] SCP-10010-J starts carving into the wall
[7:54:29] SCP-10010-J finishes carving SCP-10010-A
[12:02:39] A facility guard walks into SCP-10010-J's containment chamber
[12:02:43] The facility guard sees SCP-10010-A
[12:02:48] The facility guard walks over to SCP-10010-J's computer
[12:03:28] The facility guard enters his information and downloads Adobe Photoshop onto the computer
[12:05:13] SCP-10010-J begins to create SCP-10010-B on the computer
[12:22:41] SCP-10010-J finishes SCP-10010-B
[12:23:04] SCP-10010-J sends SCP-10010-B onto the "Dreams Facility" discord
[12:28:57] The facility guard commits suicide with his 9.0mm handgun in the middle of the cafeteria
[15:19:23] Adobe Photoshop and all other files related to Adobe Photoshop are removed from SCP-10010-J's computer
[22:43:18] SCP-10010-B is removed from the discord
[23:34:32] MTF team █████-██ is dispatched to wipe the memory's of all viewers of SCP-10010-B
[24:29:07] All viewers of SCP-10010-B have had their memory's wiped
[24:43:36] Breach Contained

Credit: Thank you to: lightlyjess, kevinplayz, JoeScruffy, (thank you for the images) and Borgor Boi