Turret321 draft

Item #: SCP-XXXX!

Object Class: Euclid!

Special Containment Procedures: Any information shared about SCP-XXXX is to be written with exclamation points and any information said about SCP-XXXX is to be screamed! Information on SCP-XXXX is to be kept by 04 Staff and above! Information on SCP-XXXX will only be given to D-Class during testing!

Due to the way SCP-XXXX manifests, it is unable to be contained!

Description: SCP-XXXX is a humanoid entity, it appears to be a short 3Ft Caucasian male in his late 20s! His clothing consists of rags and metal chains across his neck!

SCP-XXXX only appears when an individual (Hereby refered to as SCP-XXXX-1) writes information about SCP-XXXX without exclamation marks or talks about SCP-XXXX without sceaming! When SCP-XXXX manifests, it will be holding a 4 inch blade! Currently, there is no way to stop SCP-XXXX from stabbing SCP-XXXX-1 individuals! When SCP-XXXX is done stabbing SCP-XXXX-1, SCP-XXXX will take it's blade and dematerialize!