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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is currently being contained within the ornate wooden box it was discovered in, stashed in Site-██'s anomalous artifacts wing. For reasons regarding staff security and well-being, examination of SCP-XXXX has been suspended indefinitely. SCP-XXXX is no longer to be removed from its containment chamber or SCP-XXXX-1.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a intricately-fashioned fountain pen measuring approxamitley 13.5 centimeters in length. The tip of SCP-XXXX has been molded from gold, as well as a number of runic patterns etched along the length of the pen. The symbols themselves, while crude, have been observed physically shifting and protruding from the casing, and have been confirmed by various on-site Abrahamic investigators such as Doctor ████ to be rudimentary caricatures of well-known Demons in the Dictionnaire Infernal.

SCP-XXXX is incapable of being filled with ink, as the basin of SCP-XXXX cannot be removed or unscrewed without danger of damaging the object. Rather, SCP-XXXX is capable of generating its own fluid via absorbing blood from the user in real-time. Etchings created in this way are non-expungable, and create a deep-red color among its calligraphy. Once a user has drafted an agreement1, the user enters a trance state hence designated SCP-XXXX-2, in which they prioritize both the protection and the signing of the contract.

Once a second-party has signed an agreement drafted by SCP-XXXX, it becomes binding. Any agreements, payments, and stipulations must be carried out with full capability by the signee. Attempts to avoid or cheat the contract results in punishment as designated by SCP-XXXX-2 within the statement, and otherwise are seemingly random2.

SCP-XXXX-1 is an instance of SCP-XXXX, namely it being the container that SCP-XXXX was discovered in. Whilst inside of SCP-XXXX-1, SCP-XXXX cannot exhibit it’s anomalous properties and all instances of SCP-XXXX-2 return to normal and remain dormant until the anomaly is removed from SCP-XXXX-1.

SCP-XXXX-2 is another instance of SCP-XXXX. In this case, SCP-XXXX-2 is created whenever a living thing utilizes SCP-XXXX. After obtaining the pen, SCP-XXXX-2 becomes voracious and will attempt to force increasing amounts of humans into contracts. If SCP-XXXX is forcefully removed from SCP-XXXX-2, SCP-XXXX-2 is known to lose composure until SCP-XXXX is more than ██ meters away from SCP-XXXX-2.

Addendum XXXX-1: SCP-XXXX was discovered during a raid on a rural town in ███████, West Virginia. Before a MTF squadron was dispatched to the region, there had been plenty of reports of satanic rituals in the area. The squadron was required to clear through several houses full of cultists, and every attempt at interrogation proved unyielding, as they began to convulse and decease within seconds of questioning.