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Item #: SCP-3XXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX was closed down in 9/21/06 after telling the public that the road was structurally unstable. The road is blocked off from the main road and all traffic is redirected towards a different road that was constructed before closing down SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX is under video surveillance to monitor it for any additional anomalous effects or trespassers.

Description: SCP-XXXX is the designation given to 2 miles of a road in Skamania County, Washington on Mount St. Helens. The two mile section of the road is absent of railings but is wide enough for the state to deem it safe. The anomalous effects that SCP-XXXX expresses does not influence anyone in the area unless they are driving up or down the road in a vehicle. Upon reaching the stretch of road, drivers will be feel a compulsion to swerve off the side of the road and off the side of the mountain. The time it takes for the driver to succumb varies but has ranged from 1 to 3 minutes. The drivers in all cases have had no apparent internal or external reasons for taking such actions. The drivers of the vehicles are reported to have said, "Oh look a shortcut." before driving off the side of the cliff. When asked about the incident the drivers said felt like it was the right thing to do at the time and were not confused about their decision even after the incident. These anomalous effects do not effect the passengers in the vehicle who are understandably frightened to have just driven off the side of a mountain. The secondary effect of SCP-XXXX is that the drivers and passengers that swerve off the side of the road are uninjured. Any injuries that would usually occur from a drop of said height does not take place and all persons inside the vehicle are fine. People who were involved in incidents claimed that it felt like they were falling for only a second before hitting the ground at the bottom of the mountain, which is several hundred feet down.. Several accidents occurred on the stretch of road before the foundation closed it off and are recorded in Addendum-XXXX-1.

Discovery: SCP-XXXX was discovered after several incidents were reported of car accidents on the mountain in which all passengers emerged unscathed. After the Foundation recognized the anomalous effects of SCP-XXXX they closed down the road for construction. Six months later they permanently closed down the road after reporting that the road was unsafe to drive on and was structural unstable.
