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Clearance Level 3: Clearance
Containment Class: euclid
Secondary Class: {$secondary-class}
Disruption Class: #/vlam
Risk Class: #/critical

Special Containment Procedures

All instances of SCP-XXXX are to be transported to Site █.Their disappearance is to be covered up immediately. Individuals with Stage 1 of SCP-XXXX are to be contained in a Standard Containment Cell, and provided with adequate nutrition. Individuals with Stage 2 of SCP-XXXX are to be restrained and contained in a 3cm thick airtight containment cell, with at least three guards monitoring it at any given point of time. MTF Alpha-5 (“Honour Guard”) are to track down individuals with instances of SCP-XXXX. All instances of SCP-XXXX are to be monitored at all times, from the Site itself and remotely from Site-73. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. In the case of a Stage 2 SCP-XXXX containment breach, all security personnel are to use standard issue stun guns to restrain it.


SCP-XXXX is an anomalous phenomenon that occurs randomly in a host’s body, that currently cannot be explained. It has two stages: In the first stage, the host would have a sudden urge to eat more. Their jaw would enlarge to accommodate more food, as SCP-XXXX develops. Their weight would remain the same and the host would still be able to have free control of their body, generally being compliant to Foundation Personnel. This stage would typically last from 5 days to a year.

In the second stage, the host’s eyes and mouth would turn pitch black, and they would have no more control of their body. The host would start sucking in all matter in a radius of 31 cm from its mouth. Matter would get split into atoms as they get pulled into the mouth. SCP-XXXX would become hostile, attacking humans around it. Stun guns have proven to be useful in disabling Stage 2 instances of it, as SCP-XXXX is immune to conventional bullets. Placing Stage 2 instances of SCP-XXXX in a non-airtight environment for long periods of time would cause it drain air from the atmosphere, potentially posing danger to all life on Earth.

SCP-XXXX was first discovered at ████, Alaska, 19██, by Senior Researcher James ████, after receiving reports of a man behaving strangely.

As of February 2020, there have been 5 cases of SCP-XXXX. Three male, SCP-XXXX-1, SCP-XXXX-3, SCP-XXXX-4, one female, SCP-XXXX-2 and a dog, SCP-XXXX-5. SCP-XXXX-3 and SCP-XXXX-4 are still in Stage 1, while SCP-XXXX-1, SCP-XXXX-2 and SCP-XXXX-5 are in Stage 2.

Addendum 1:
Experiments have revealed that all matter that have been sucked in led to a “pocket dimension”, and SCP-XXXX is immune to its own suction effect.

Addendum 2:
Stage 2 instances of SCP-XXXX seem to have no sign of hunger, and are immune to ageing. SCP-XXXX’s suction pressure increases over time, by █ pascals a month.

Incident Log XXXX.1
This is a tape recorded during the first SCP-XXXX containment breach in 19██, when SCP-XXXX-2 broke containment. It was later caught by MTF Alpha-5 with stun guns. Following incident XXXX.1, stun guns have been used to restrain them.

Incident Log XXXX.2

Incident Log XXXX.2

Terminal Accessed.

As it was previously not known that SCP-XXXX's suction pressure would increase over time, two D-class were sent in to measure the pressure of SCP-XXXX-1's suction strength, D-1937 and D-4524. D-1937 holds a stun gun, while D-4524 holds a measuring device.

[Start Incident Log XXXX.2:]
08:17 D-1937 and D-4524 walk into the airtight chamber, with airtight suits on.
08:18 D-1937 walks towards the restrained SCP-XXXX-1, remarking that he felt "strange" near the entity.
08:18 D-1937 holds the device 31.4cm above SCP-XXXX-1's mouth, and begins measuring the pressure as some air is let into the chamber.
08:19 SCP-XXXX-1 jerks its head upwards by 0.8cm, causing D-1937's hand with the device to get sucked into the entity's mouth. D-4524 is too shocked to do anything. D-1937 loses his right hand.
08:20 D-1937 and D-4524 are brought out of the chamber.
[End Incident Log XXXX.2]

More precautions have been taken with instances of SCP-XXXX following this incident.