SCP-6162 - Unreasonable to Doubt Her
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Unreasonable to Doubt Her

Item#: SCP-6162

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Foundation web crawlers have been tasked with monitoring all secure logistics firms to pre-emptively detect packages with matching mass and dimensions to all known instances of SCP-6162. Foundation agents embedded within regional law enforcement will monitor content of all incoming deliveries.

All recovered instances of SCP-6162 are to be kept at Site-[REDACTED], accessible only to Foundation staff who have completed grade 1 anti-cognito-hazard training. Access to viewing equipment for instances of SCP-6162 will require personal authorisation of Lead Researcher, Doctor Sebastina Rome.

All security personnel at Site-616 must meet the following criteria:

  • Personnel must have passed genetic testing and psychological analysis confirming status as Cis-Female.
  • Personnel must have completed level 5 polygraph testing to confrim they have no association/sympathies with any feminist activist community of any kind.
  • Personnel must not have close personal connections with, nor themselves personally be, a victim of rape, sexual violence, sexual assault, or sexual harrassment of any kind.

All Bartimaeus class instances of SCP-6162 must be contained within ultra-dense anechoic chambers. Researchers studying Bartimaeus class instances must be equipped with ultra darkening protective goggles, and military grade ear defenders.

In Argus class instances of SCP-6162, SCP-6162-2 is to be administered a radioactive isotope location tracker. In the event of anomalous relocation of SCP-6162-2 to the site of SCP-6162’s initial arrival, Foundation staff are to recover and secure SCP-6162-2 as quickly as possible. In Argus class instances, wide scale use of class A amnestics is authorised for witness containment. Web crawler and digital file manipulation may also be deployed.

Description: SCP-6162 is a commercial grade flight case (1,500mm X 1,500mm X 780mm) featuring a number of after-market modifications and containing a specific set of items. In each recorded instance, SCP-6162 was sent by secure courier to a regional police headquarters office. As of [DATE REDACTED] a total of thirteen instances of SCP-6162 have been documented. New instances emerge at 140-day intervals from the previous instance, however there appears to be no pattern to their location, as instances have now been recorded in nine separate countries.

Each instance of SCP-6162 contains the following:

  • Thirteen canisters of tape-based film stock - NSMS*.
  • Thirteen magnetic tape audio cassettes - NSMS.
  • One battery powered film projector with port to accept audio cassettes - NSMS.
  • Two audio speakers - NSMS.
  • Two insulated electrical leads with connectors to link the speakers to the projector - NSMS.
  • One metal tripod with a screw mount for the projector - NSMS.
  • Three spare batteries - NSMS.
  • One folded sheet of A3 paper, with printed local language instructions on the projector’s use.
  • One manila C4 sized envelope, sealed with a metal clasp, featuring a hand drawn symbol in blue permanent marker ink - the outline of shield intersected on the left by a circle with a cross at the base.

Each film canisters is labelled and numbered with a printed sticker. A matching sticker is also present on the audio cassette recordings, and the projector cannot be played without both film reel and audio cassette in place.

SCP-6162’s anomalous affects appear to be a highly targeted form of cognitio hazard. Following observation of the film stock and audio cassettes content, approximately 33% of all known observers (hereafter designated SCP-6162-1), have subsequently saught out a specific individual (designated SCP-6162-2) upon which to inflict grievously violent, non-lethal action. These acts generally result in anything from serious and/or disabling conditions, to potentially life threatening injuries if left without medical attention.

All instances of both SCP-6162-1 and SCP-6162-2 have been male.

Additional Descriptions:

Long Term Anomalous Properties: Investigation into SCP-6162 has determined two distinct patterns of anomalous properties that only emerge after a period of between either ten days or four months. The divergent point appears to be whether the contents of SCP-6162’s film stock is observed (Argus class instances), or if a given instance of SCP-6162 is successfully intercepted by the Foundation or other parties prior to any viewings (Bartimaeus class instances).

Discovery: All instances of SCP-6162 have been directly addressed to the lead investigating police officer of an ongoing criminal investigation into an incident of rape. The following cases have thus far been documented, and are here arranged in chronological order:

  • SCP-6162-Alfa: New Jersey State Police, West Trenton, Ewing Township, New Jersey, USA
  • SCP-6162-Bravo: Bergen Sentrum Police Station, Alehelgens, Bergen, Norway
  • SCP-6162-Charlie: Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Phillips Road, Tallahassee, Florida, USA
  • SCP-6162-Delta: West Bengal Police Directorate, Belvedere Road, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • SCP-6162-Echo: Pará State Civil Police, Avenue Gov Magalhães Barata, Nazaré, Belém, Brazil
  • SCP-6162-Foxtrot: Utrecht Police Office, Kroonstraat, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • SCP-6162-Golf: Oslo Police Headquarters, Grønnlandsleiret, Norway
  • SCP-6162-Hotel: Cumbria Constabulary Headquarters, Carleton Hall, Penrith, Cumbria, UK
  • SCP-6162-Indigo: Chūbu Regional Police Bureau, Sannomaru, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan
  • SCP-6162-Juliet: Kisumu Central Police Station, Uhuru Road, Kisumu, Kenya
  • SCP-6162-Kilo: National Civil Police Headquarters Calle Ote, San Salvador, El Salvador
  • SCP-6162-Lima: Tohoku Regional Police Bureau, Honcho, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi, Japan
  • SCP-6162-Mike: Maharashtra Police Directorate, Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

The Foundation became aware of SCP-6162 following incidents linked to SCP-6162-Alfa.

SCP-6162-Alfa was initially mistaken for an explosive device by a civilian administrator within the NJSP, who panickedly misplaced the paperwork containing the of the name of the delivery’s intended recipient. Following the inability of X-Ray scanners to examine SCP-6162-Alfa’s interior, bomb disposal officers opened the case and examined the contents. Once the absence of explosive material was confirmed, NJSP officers placed SCP-6162-Alfa into secure long term storage for later examination.

Ten days following these events, SCP-6162-Alfa initiated a Bartimaeus class instance event, unleashing a flashbang analogous explosion within the NJSP storage facility. Foundation agents who had been monitoring the situation following the alert caused by the initial arrival of SCP-6162-Alfa, moved in and secured SCP-6162-Alfa. Research agents would later observe the footage, turning SCP-6162-Alfa into a Argus class instance.

Due to SCP-6162-Alfa’s status as the initial instance of SCP-6162, Foundation agents were not prepared for the subsequent events. It was only thanks to heightened Foundation activity in West Trenton, New Jersey, USA following earlier events that a containment breach was averted. Subsequent containment protocols were developed following a similar course of events in Bergen, Norway.