Vigilante Fire Truck
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: At this time, SCP-XXXX cannot be currently contained by any physical means. Current objectives of containment are to guide SCP-XXXX away from urban centers and high populous areas by luring it into rural sections of the state of New York by setting off small controlled fires in designated locations secluded from public view. Any witnesses to SCP-XXXX's anomalous behavior are to be administered amnestics appropriate to level of exposure.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an American brand quint fire truck. With the exception of several scratches on the bottom-left corner of the windshield, the vehicle is in good condition. SCP-XXXX is capable of moving autonomously. It can manually receive intakes of electricity, gasoline and water like any standard fire truck, but evidence has shown that it can produce its own supply internally without limit.

The object is sapient and speaks in a deep masculine tone, how exactly it is able to vocalize is unknown. SCP-XXXX is non-hostile to individual entities unless directly attacked. If attacked in a physical and/or verbal manner, SCP-XXXX will maneuver its hose to spray a stream of pressurized water at the subject before driving or teleporting away to the nearest road. Any damage inflicted on SCP-XXXX will be restored within the course of several days.

SCP-XXXX's primary mission is to "kill every fire in the entire world", which SCP-XXXX mistakenly believes is New York. Any facts or evidence contradicting this belief will be denied by SCP-XXXX to be true. SCP-XXXX claims this goal came to formation after a fire "murdered its entire family" (see addendum for further details). SCP-XXXX follows the directive of said goal by patrolling the roads of New York until it perceives a fire,1 after which it will go off course and take the direct and safest route to its destination. When SCP-XXXX finally encounters a fire it will spray substantially more water than required from the hose at the source of the flame. SCP-XXXX will continue this behavior until the fire is extinguished, after which it will resume patrolling until it encounters another fire. Any actions that result in the stopping or restraining of SCP-XXXX will result in the object teleporting onto a different road.

History: The Foundation was first alerted to the existence of SCP-XXXX during an airing of "█████ ████████", a popular kitchen-based reality competition show that is filmed in New York City. Video cameras on the set recorded the entire incident.

Mobile Task Force Pi-1 ("City Slickers") was then dispatched to the set of "█████ ████████" to contain the anomaly, but it disappeared from the area by the time Foundation forces arrived. All witnesses were administered Class-A amnestics, and the damage done to the building was repaired and explained under the cover story of a drunk driver.

On the course of several weeks after first discovery, SCP-XXXX was found to be operating within five separate districts within the state of New York, extinguishing any fire it can find in its vicinity. The first capture attempt on SCP-XXXX was by tracking its path of movement, then have the anomaly secured by Mobile Task Force Pi-1 ("City Slickers") through the use of roadblocks and additional vehicles. This plan failed, as when the task force tried to restrain SCP-XXXX, it teleported from the area and changed its movement patterns. Several more capture attempts similar to the first were commenced but also resulted in failure in the containment of SCP-XXXX.

The project head, Dr Reyley, proposed to switch the objective from confronting SCP-XXXX directly to deceiving the object to gain its trust for easier containment. The proposal was accepted, and a new attempt was planned as followed: Foundation operatives were to track SCP-XXXX's movements and lure it in a secluded location by setting off a controlled fire within its field of detection. An agent (wearing civilian clothing with a hidden microphone installed on their person) will appear and extinguish the fire through the use of a fire extinguisher. The agent will reveal themselves to SCP-XXXX as a sympathetic admirer to its cause in hopes of gaining its cooperation. The operation was commenced on 6/22/17.