
Item #: SCP-4764
Object Class: Euclid

Special containment procedures: SCP-4764 is to be kept in solitary confinement in a soundproof jailcell in Site ███. SCP-4764 is not monitored inside it's cell, due to the "4764-1-Incident"; instead the surroundings of the cell are under constant video surveilence. Personell wishing to interact with SCP-4764 have to keep contact with D-Class personell minimal and afterward treat said personell with appropriate Amnestics. Researchers interacting with SCP-4764 can not:
- have previously worked with D-88634
- have previously worked with SCP-4764
- know how to release SCP-4764 from it's containment
- know where SCP-4764 is contained
- know how to obtain or who knows the above stated information
- have a clearance level lower than 3

Experiments performed on SCP-4764 are to be authorised by the O5, if any danger to the life of SCP-4764 exists.

Description: SCP-4764 is a humanoid indistuinguishable from a human, characterised by the scars it is covered in from it's years of work as a D-Class. The humanoid is 1.77 meters in height and of healthy weight. SCP-4764 was originally known as Arthur C. █████, a death row inmate incarcerated for murder with unusual cruelty of ███ ██████ a fellow classmate at the age of 17. Later recruited and known as D-88634 the humanoid worked for the Foundation for over a decade, hiding it's abnormalities. SCP-4764 is characterised by it's sharp instincts and it's full trust in them, which renders the SCP capable of avoiding danger to itself with a very high degree of competency. The only physical abnormality of SCP-4764 is it's brain which is very small, heavily regressed and lacks ridges, thus the mind of SCP-4764 can not be affected by any outside factors be they Chemical (drugs, medication), Physical (head trauma, surgery) or supernatural (other SCP's) in nature.

The extent and nature of the humanoid's abilities is unknown. To quote Dr. Janushovits:
"It's mind is not in its body, nor does not think like we do and it just knows things it should not. We know it's not reading our minds as it sometimes reacts to what we will do before we think about it. It knows we are trying to figure out what it can and can't do and it does everything in it's power to preent us from knowing."

Discovery: SCP-4764 has been identified as an anomaly after years of work for the foundation as D-88634. Suspicions towards D-88634 arose as █████ ██████ a level 3 clearance administrative worker identified unusual amounts of attacks on foundation staff which were to work with the D-Class. The case was brought before the O5 which assigned Dr. Janushovits to investagate the matter.

Further details can be found withing the file "The Investigation of the anomalous properties of D-88634". The investigation has confirmed that D-88634 has been faking it's responses to many SCP's it worked with as well as the effect Amnestics had on it. The D-Class was classified as SCP-4764 and it's involvement with the attacks on the researchers is highly probable. Due to the danger it poses to the foundation was it classified as Euclid.


The Investigation of the anomalous properties of D-88634

The 4764-1 Incident Report

Interview with SCP-4764

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