Weizhong 2

weizhong's proposal: The Eventide

Author: weizhong

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Item #: SCP-001 Level 4/001
Object Class: Keter Classified


Photorealistic render of SCP-001 based upon testimony from MTF Mu-99 operatives.

Item #: SCP-001

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Access to SCP-001 is strictly limited to members of Mobile Task Force Mu-99 "Dreamcatchers." All neutralization efforts of SCP-001-1 instances are to be carried out by MTF Mu-99 in conjunction with SCP-001 researchers to ensure minimal cross-exposure to SCP-001-2 instances.

Surrealist art collectives with potential for producing instances of SCP-001-2 are to be monitored for possible containment breaches. Individuals involved in the accidental production of SCP-001-2 instances are to be remanded into monitored psychological care until subsequent neutralization of SCP-001-1 corollaries.

As of Revision 3/Omega, Foundation operations located in SCP-001 are to begin a scaled withdrawal to remove all non-mission critical assets from the anomaly. Additionally, henceforth, no attempts shall be made to recover expired personnel within SCP-001. Failure to observe this policy will be met with punishment up to, and including, termination of employment.

Description: SCP-001 is an extraplanar location, located adjacent to our present reality. The organization of SCP-001 is such that it forms an orthogonal basis1 with the Foundation's home reality, resulting in an overlap in n-dimensional space that allows for limited two-way access between the two spaces.

Topographical analysis of SCP-001 suggests that the majority of the anomaly is largely flat, and possesses Earth-like atmospheric qualities, including localized weather patterns. The anomaly is consistently dominated by a perpetual layer of fog that obscures vision as well as a sunset-like coloration that similarly limits sight. This, combined with a lack of reliable landmarks, has made mapping the anomaly difficult. Beyond these known qualities, other temporo-spatial qualities within SCP-001 are highly unstable and difficult to predict. One notable consequence of this instability is that individuals present within SCP-001 are capable of restructuring the matter within the dimension should they demonstrate sufficient intent and willpower. This property allows individuals to create tools, garments, and weapons that cannot be directly brought to the anomaly through the access point.


An example of an SCP-001-1 instance. The entity has since been neutralized.

SCP-001 is populated by an unknown quantity of native inhabitants, who refer to the anomaly as the "Eventide." Although native inhabitants exhibit a wide variety of physical and mental characteristics, they share similar anomalous qualities, including, but not limited to: thaumaturgical capabilities, ideo-symbolic empowerment, and an innate ability to navigate within SCP-001. While the vast majority of native inhabitants encountered in SCP-001 demonstrate little more than animalistic intelligence and awareness of their surroundings, a small but significant quantity of native inhabitants demonstrate sapient-level intelligence, noted hostility towards Foundation assets, as well as a fine degree of control over the spatial and temporal instability of SCP-001 that generally exceeds that of Foundation operatives. These instances have been designated as SCP-001-1 following identification of sufficient intelligence and/or danger level.

SCP-001-1 instances generally display predatory and territorial behavior towards all other lifeforms, including other native inhabitants, though cannibalism is commonly observed in all SCP-001 inhabitants. Additionally, SCP-001-1 entities often exhibit the most variety in physical appearance; while other native inhabitants typically resemble mundane flora and fauna, SCP-001-1 instances often resemble amalgamations of different creatures, objects, and humans. The last defining characteristic of SCP-001-1 instances is their ability to cause SCP-001-home reality incursion events, designated as SCP-001-2.


Another SCP-001-1 instance. The entity has since been neutralized.

SCP-001-2 is a phenomenon affecting certain productions2 of the "Exquisite Corpse" art exercise.3 While typical Exquisite Corpse games produce non-anomalous works of art, SCP-001-2 events result in accurate portrayals of SCP-001-1 instances. Upon finishing, the resulting artwork becomes cognitohazardous. Over the course of the next 1-3 days following the incident, all individuals involved in the production of SCP-001-2 will report symptoms of increasing fatigue and an inability to obtain restful sleep. Additionally, subjects will commonly report recurring dreams of SCP-001-1 instances that become increasingly pervasive, culminating in daily nightmares featuring the specific SCP-001-1 instance that was created in the corresponding SCP-001-2 event. Following this period, all affected individuals will eventually lapse into total unconsciousness during sleep, and cannot be woken through any conventional means. This effect extends to all subsequent individuals who witness the specific artwork in question.

It is believed that creation of SCP-001-2 events empowers SCP-001-1 instances through an unknown thaumaturgic connection. Critically, the only way to cure individuals affected by SCP-001 is to identify and neutralize the corresponding SCP-001-1 instance within SCP-001. Following successful neutralization, all individuals affected will eventually regain consciousness within a period of 18-24 hours.

Upon lapsing into a comatose state, individuals exposed to SCP-001-2 will wake up within SCP-001 in possession of all items on their body at the time of lapsing.4 Individuals who are exposed to the same SCP-001-2 instance tend to wake up near each other, though this is not guaranteed. Due to the esoteric nature of SCP-001, this experience can lead to significant mental trauma independent of the physical danger of SCP-001. Individuals who expire within SCP-001 cannot be retrieved, though their physical bodies will advance to a permanent vegetative state. As of Revision 3/Omega, said individuals are to be removed from life support and terminated immediately.