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Object Class:Euclid

Special Containment procedures:SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a 10 m x 10 m x 10 m room made of glass with 2 locked doors with 2 m in between them.The framing is to be made of electrically charged steel.There is to be one scientist and two armed guards at all times.When entering SCP-XXXX's cell at no point is anyone allowed to open the second door till the first door is closed.Permission by level three or higher personnel is needed in order to enter the cell.

Description:SCP-XXXX is a ghost with somewhat solid body.Some robotic parts can be seen and it is connected to a giant television.Wires go down and connect to SCP-XXXX's head.Part of the wires coming from the television that aren't connected to SCP-XXXX fade into [REDACTED].SCP-XXXX does not have pupils in his eyes.There is a second copy of his face on the television.

When moving around SCP-XXXX can make the television fade away leaving wires and a single rope wrapped around its neck.SCP-XXXX has a blackish coloration and is almost like a shadow.However,all parts of its body can be seen.

SCP-XXXX understands english perfectly and can communicate very well.It is very calm and spends most of its time either floating around or staying in suspension in mid-air.SCP-XXXX is able to travel through any material except glass.SCP-XXXX always has a really wide smile on its face.It also has a very long sharp knife instead of a left arm.

Staring at SCP-XXXX for too long causes hallucinations.These Hallucinations differ depending on SCP-XXXX's mood.Some Class D personnel used in testing report seeing other SCP's outside of the cell.However the guards reported seeing nothing.

SCP-XXXX's voice sounds like that of an adult male's.SCP-XXXX isn't connected to any of the foundation's databases however he quickly finds new information that is uploaded there.Sometimes it is found gaining information about other SCP's.It often Requests to speak to other SCP's.

SCP-XXXX was found in a small,crime filled town at [DATA EXPUNGED].SCP-XXXX Refused to leave the area and then disappeared.a week later guards found SCP-XXXX at site-██ following a guard in.SCP-XXXX was then contained and interviewed.During the interview SCP-XXXX breached containment.SCP-XXXX was found later stuck in a room With glass on all sides.SCP-XXXX was then contained.

Addendum:SCP-XXXX being interviewed by Dr.██████

Foreword:SCP-XXXX's interview before its breach in containment.Dr.██████ is 9 minutes in when he sees a hallucination of SCP-173.
Dr.██████:[under his breath]"Ugh That smile is creepy…"
SCP-XXXX:"What do you mean by that?"
Dr.██████:[Replies in shock]"Oh! I-I didn't think you would be able to hear that well."
[SCP-XXXX's smile now gets bigger,as he lifts his knife-arm up]
SCP-XXXX:"You know,Nothing here is stopping me from getting back to [DATA EXPUNGED]."
Dr.██████:"Well right now…[Dr.██████ now gets frightened and motions for his guards] What the hell!?Why is SCP-173 Here!?"
Dr.██████:[There is the sound of a radio]SCP-173 has breached containment!!I need a team here Now!!
Radio:How?On our cameras he is still in containment!
Dr.██████:Well…[Dr.██████ then looks over to see SCP-XXXX Missing]Son of a…
Closing Statement:The hallucination of SCP-173 then vanishes and SCP-XXXX is soon found and contained again.12