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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid


Artistic rendition of SCP-XXXX-1 by SCP-XXXX-B.

Special Containment Procedures: New SCP-XXXX-1 instances are to be held in an observation cell for risk assessment based on the following qualities: aggression, cooperation, and communication [Rating 1-10].. High-risk patients will be placed into long-term solitary containment or terminated.

A sub-dermal microchip shall be implanted to track location, health data, and infection status. A daily regimen of prophylactic medication is to be administered, with strict adherence mandatory for all subjects and staff. Deviation from medication schedule will result in a loss of privileges and an increased risk rating for that period.

Others shall be confined to a shared living community on the Foxwood Hollow nature preserve. This preserve is established for the humane containment and study of SCP-XXXX-1 instances. The community features modern amenities, group enrichment, shared and single domiciles and a woodland environment. This preserve is bounded in 3.6 meter wildlife grade fencing and barbed wire, and a guard-post at the main causeways. This shall be maintained by Wilson's Wildlife Solutions in conjunction with Foundation personnel.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a blood-borne viral pathogen. Infected individuals are designated SCP-XXXX-1 instances. Its anomalous effects are apparent when a human is infected and when existing instances are observed.

Perception of SCP-XXXX-1 instances depends on infection status. Instances appear as baseline humans unless the observer is SCP-XXXX-1 or a non-humanoid animal. This anomalous quality extends to any direct observational method: photographs, video, tactile and sensory. Testing is underway to explore methods of observation in known instances.

Upon contraction, SCP-XXXX-1 undergo a physical transformation into a bipedal member of the taxonomic group Vulpes vulpes. Infection does not alter memory or baseline personality - but deviations may occur due to instinctual factors and innate new behaviors.

Discovery: Agents A. Turner and T. Richards were dispatched following reports of patients at Brookwood Hall Asylum who believed they had become foxes. Reports indicated severe scratchings, bite wounds, and other animalistic behaviors connected with the delusion. The Foundation was alerted to these reports based on the severity of symptoms as well as the tendency for them to spread. The outbreak, at first limited to a number of civilians under involuntary hold soon spread to staff and caretakers who were bitten by patients.


Brookwood Hall Asylum

Previously defunct, the hospital re-authorized the use of solitary containment cells as well as bodily restraints. Agents were dispatched to investigate the reports and to confirm or deny the presence of any anomalous phenomena. In the course of their work, A. Turner was compromised following a bite injury by a former staff member at the institution. He was thus given the classification SCP-XXXX-A.

Subsequently, Agent Turner began expressing various symptoms. He seemed irritable while first aid was administered. Following is an audio log retrieved from Agent Richards' notes.

T. Richards: I need you to calm down, Al. What's wrong with you?

A. Turner: (wincing) I can see them, T! Holy shit - is this what they're talking about? Fuck… What's going on, T? I - I don't like the look of this. L- Look at the ones in the beds. They're animals!

[A delay, A. Turner is taken to the restroom, with much resistance.]

T. Richards: How ya feelin' Al? They got ya cleaned up?

A. Turner: Look! Look at me… can you see it?

T. Richards: [laughs nervously] See what, Al? You feel better or what? We need to wrap this case up, or-


T. Richards: I- I don't see anything. Brown and depressed as always.


