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SCP-5162 in its neutral state.

Item #: SCP-5162

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5162 is kept inside a 7.01m x 3.35m x 7.31m cell. SCP-5162's cell must consist of lights, furniture, A/C, and other proper essentials to SCP-5162 every 3 days to keep SCP-5162's diet and health balanced. SCP-5162 must be monitored when its inside the cell. Research was made aware of SCP-5162's outrage posing severe threat to anyone who triggers the telekinetic effects of SCP-5162.

SCP-5162 is allowed roam the facility, it must be supervised by a Level 3 personnel while it is roaming the facility for at least 30 minutes a week. SCP-5162 must undergo medical check ups every 8 weeks until further notice of any complications.

Description: SCP-5162 is a humanoid female named ███████ age 20, weight is about 77.11 kilograms, and height about 1.63 meters tall. SCP-5162 appears to be in a state of gestation, the offspring of SCP-5162 is yet to be identified. SCP-5162 is gestated for about 231 days at the current moment. As of █/█/19██ SCP-5162 has acquired telekinetic abilities by unknown means, research is yet to be conducted on the reason.

Discovery: SCP-5162 was found at…

Addendum 5162.1:

Interview 5162-1:

Interviewee: SCP-5162

Interviewer: Dr. Star


Dr. Star:


Dr. Star:


Dr. Star:


Dr. Star:


Dr. Star:
