
Item #: SCP-3970

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3970 is to be kept within the main internal courtyard within Site-73, due to its nature SCP-3970 is to be kept in an open air environment at all times. Although the object may be moved to a properly ventilated interior if circumstances dictate it necessary. A cleaning crew will inspect the base of SCP-3970 Bi-weekly and clean if necessary. Access to the courtyard is available for all personnel leisure. However, personnel are reminded that SCP-3970 is an anomalous object and interaction is prohibited.

Description: SCP-3970 is a steel flagpole approximately 9.14 meters tall and approximately 0.07 meters in diameter.

SCP-3970's primary purpose is as a predicative device. As the Flag, (hereby known as SCP-3970-1) flys on SCP-3970, SCP-3970-1 will burn at a seemingly random interval, this will continue until there is nothing left of SCP-3970-1 besides ash. The longest burn time is recorded at five-thousand-six-hundred and thirty-five (5635) days.

After SCP-3970-1 is completely burnt, the country, or organization it represents will have ceased to exist throughout various means. The instance of SCP-3970-1 currently flying cannot be removed, and a new flag cannot be added.

Over the period of an hour after this event SCP-3970 will be left without an instance of SCP-3970-1 flying on it. After a period of minimum- Thirty(30) miniutes to two(2) hours. A new instance of SCP-3970-1 will appear from within SCP-3970 and the cycle will start again.

Level 4 Personnel and above should view File-3970-4 for additional information of SCP-3970's recovery.

Below is a list of instances of SCP-3970-1 that have appeared.

SCP-3970-1 Instance Date Appeared Time Burnt Final Date
SCP-3970-1-1-Austria ██/██/191█ ████ days 10/31/1918
SCP-3970-1-2-Germany 10/31/1918 9 days 11/9/1918
SCP-3970-1-3-Ottoman 11/9/1918 1453 days 11/1/1922
SCP-3970-1-4-Russian 11/1/1922 173 days 4/23/1923
SCP-3970-1-5-[REDACTED] 4/23/1923 ███ days ██/██/████
SCP-3970-1-6-Ethiopia ██/█/████ ████ days 5/5/1936
SCP-3970-1-7-Austria 5/5/1936 311 days 3/12/1937
SCP-3970-1-8-Czechoslovakia 3/12/1937 733 days 3/15/1939
SCP-3970-1-9-Poland 3/15/1939 196 days 9/27/1939
SCP-3970-1-10-France 9/27/1939 463 days 6/22/1940
SCP-3970-1-11-[REDACTED] 6/22/1940 ███ days ██/██/████
SCP-3970-1-12-Germany ██/██/████ ████ days 5/7/1945
SCP-3970-1-13-Japan 5/7/1945 118 days 9/2/1945
SCP-3970-1-14-[REDACTED] 9/2/1945 █ days █/█/████
SCP-3970-1-15-South Vietnam █/█/████ ████ days 4/30/1975
SCP-3970-1-16-East Germany 4/30/1975 5635 days 10/3/1990
SCP-3970-1-17-USSR 10/3/1990 454 days 12/31/1991
SCP-3970-1-18-Czechoslovakia 12/31/1991 365 days 12/31/1992
SCP-3970-1-19-Afghanistan 12/31/1993 3266 days 12/9/2001
SCP-3970-1-20-[REDACTED] 12/9/2001 █ days ██/█/████
SCP-3970-1-21-ISIL ██/█/████ ongoing ongoing