yoteJesus - FIRST SCP
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Item #: SCP-XXXX (placeholder obv)

Object Class: Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: No concrete containment procedures are necessary. SCP-XXXX is to be under constant serveilence by SCP Foundation personable at all times.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be a mountain in Northern India, having an indiscriminate height, shape, and width. The physical characteristics are not precise due to the seemingly amorphous nature of the anomaly, as all SCP personnel who have observed the mountain describe it as having different apparent heights and distinct characteristics.

The mountain was first observed by the SCP Foundation in October of 2011 via satellite imagery. A small town of approximately 6,000 civilians existed where the mountain is now located, however nearby populations claim no recollection of said town, and also claim the mountain to always have been there. Family members of the missing town also claim no recollection of their family members or of the town itself. SCP-XXXX appears to be capable of altering the minds of human beings, including the ability to remove or insert memories. SCP-XXXX also appears to be able to physically alter evidence of its existence, altering photographs taken before its appearance, written records, and even drawings.

Some SCP Foundation personnel seem immune to the effects of the anomaly, as the Foundation is still aware of its existence, however teams who have been sent to observe SCP-XXXX appear to fall under its effects quickly. Teams stationed in nearby towns need to be constantly replaced, as they unanimously forget about SCP-XXXX, why they are there, and sometimes about the SCP Foundation entirely.

SCP-XXXX also appears to have the capability to alter weather and the passing of time in bizarre ways, with a radius of effect varying from approximately 2 to 110 kilometers. Examples include, but are not limited to the following: thunderstorms which appear to form directly out of the mountain; blizzards occurring simultaneously during 40.5 C weather (105 F); rain which falls against the wind; has caused apparent 9 hour day-night cycles. SCP-XXXX was also seemingly able of stopping time altogether for almost a month, from February 6, 2015 to March 1, 2015.

Addendum: Despite these occurrences, human beings within the mountains radius of control show no signs of even recognizing or acknowledging the anomalies, and go about their lives normally.