Yuki Colburn

Depiction of SCP-XXXX

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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The area containing SCP-XXXX is to be surrounded by fencing and no-trespassing signs at a distance of fifty (50) meters between SCP-XXXX and the fencing.
The perimeter is to be monitored by guards, denying all civilian access to the area, personnel stationed around SCP-XXXX are to operate under the cover of State Park guards.
Should containment be breached, agents are to enter and restrain the trespasser alive, interview, administer Class-A amnestics, then relocated to a safe distance.
Under no circumstances are personnel located within SCP-XXXX's effective area to speak sentences in future tense at any given moment, failure to do so will result in the speaker being caught under it's effects(See Addendum-XXXX-B), and be classified as SCP-XXXX-1

Description: SCP-XXXX is an anomaly surrounding a waterfall and a small pond1 at ███████ Falls, located at West Virginia, USA. While the pond's water is not anomalous, there is a interference in any and all radio devices present in the area surrounding it, affected equipment starts to relay messages from an unknown location, their content varies by the equipment's currently set radio frequency(See Addendum XXXX-A) and appear to change every twenty four (24) hours(See Addendum-XXXX-B). There are currently no ways to exchange communications with the affected individuals despite the use of two-way radios.

SCP-XXXX-1 is the denomination given to all individuals caught in SCP-XXXX's effects, and are the cause behind any and all instances of messages relayed though radio communication devices within the current area of SCP-XXXX. All knowledge points that the messages are relayed by individuals who have triggered SCP-XXXX's effects in the past, and its instances currently includes Foundation personnel and civilians alike, it is also known its victims are relocated to many different and unknown locations(See Addendum-XXXX-B). The current location of those affected by SCP-XXXX is unknown.

Addendum-XXXX-A: Discovery

SCP-XXXX was discovered after multiple reports of interference in radio devices in ██/██/198█, Foundation personnel has blocked off the area surrounding SCP-XXXX to investigate the cause.
The interference was found to occur around the first waterfall in a series of four of waterfalls, which descend into the ██████████ Canyon, however, no signal jamming equipment has been found in the surrounding area, and the interference deemed anomalous. A perimeter was formed around SCP-XXXX and Foundation personnel moved in and commenced research one week later.

With the loss of Agent ███████ after an incident on guarding the area within SCP-XXXX, it has been found that constructing any sentences in future tense will cause the sudden disappearance of the speaker, resulting in the appearance of a new instance of SPC-XXXX-1. It has also been observed that each instance of SCP-XXXX-1 changes the content of their looped messages every 24 hours2. After a month of observation, the messages have revealed that victims of SCP-XXXX's effects find themselves in "vehicles that will keep running through infinite streets".
Agent ███████'s radio frequency as a SCP-XXXX-1 instance has been found at ███.42MhZ, however, we have been unable to communicate though the radio frequencies. Their radio frequency used previously to the incident is unresponsive, and their equipment nowhere to be found.

Note from Dr. █████:
Conversations between personnel within SCP-XXXX's area are now strictly forbidden. I'd prefer to avoid more incidents like Agent ███████'s.