Z0000's Workspace
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Item #: SCP-XXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is stored in a standard safe storage locker while not being used for interrogation. SCP-XXX should not be taken out of its standard safe storage locker without written access by the security director of Site 83.

Description: SCP-XXX is a rusted ax with carbon dating of the wooden handle of the ax putting it to about 290 years old. The anomalous properties of SCP-XXX appear whenever a person holds SCP-XXX and attempts to tell a falsehood. SCP-XXX prevents any person holding it to tell a falsehood.

Persons who attempt to tell a lie while holding SCP-XXX report hearing a disembodied voice criticizing them for tell the falsehood in question, this entity has been labeled SCP-XXX-1. SCP-XXX-1 shows advanced knowledge of persons holding SCP-XXX1. Subjects have reported feeling an intense guilt whenever criticized by SCP-XXX-1 and in rare cases 0.02% of subjects go into an enraged state and require instant termination by on site guards. The reason for the subject going into enraged state is currently unknown and is purely up to theory and not set in concrete fact. Current theories are as follows:

  • An attempt to find the disembodied voice and attack them
  • Psychic break from guilt felt from telling a lie
  • Subjects are controlled by SCP-XXX-1

Addendum SCP-XXX-A:As of ██/██/20██, SCP-XXX has been approved by Site Director and
the Ethics Committee to be used by the Foundation when interrogating Persons of Interest and non compliant interviewees.

Addendum SCP-XXX-B: interview log