Zachary Sieg

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Testing on SCP-XXXX is currently suspended due to the unpredictability of resulting SCP-XXXX-2 instances. Its anomalous properties naturally confine it to the [console] on which it was discovered, which is to be kept in a Class 4 Anomalous Objects Locker at all times.

The console's system data is to be checked daily for newly-created save data. Any instances of saved data created after 05-19-2018 are to be investigated thoroughly, and the offending SCP-XXXX-1 instance amnesticised prior to transfer to a different Foundation facility.

In the event that new saved data discovered shows signs of an SCP-XXXX-2 instance, Mobile Task Force [designation pending] is to track the instance, detain it, and perform Field Interview XXXX-A to assess the threat posed by its impending Morph Event.

Any instance of SCP-XXXX-2 or -3 is to be subdued on sight, and terminated only if significant loss of life, or breach in the containment of other SCP objects, is otherwise unavoidable. Detained SCP-XXXX-3 instances will be interviewed remotely by a staff member familiar with their associated game, after which the instance will either be amnesticised if it can be coerced into compliance, or terminated if it cannot.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a [PSN/Steam/Xbox] account bearing the username "ima_H3r0", currently extant only in a single [associated games console] in Foundation custody at Site 15. The console itself is non-anomalous, and is capable of establishing an internet connection. Despite this, SCP-XXXX cannot directly interact with other [whatever] accounts. Games requiring online multiplayer to function can still be played with other characters, but interactions with them, whether via in-game or on-system text or voice chat, are blocked1.

Its primary anomaly activates whenever a human being creates a new save file on SCP-XXXX for any game in which the appearance of the player character can be sufficiently customized to resemble the player's physical appearance to a currently-undefined degree of accuracy.

A save file meeting these requirements will utilize an alternate character model that precisely mirrors the physical appearance of the player (hereafter referred to as an SCP-XXXX-1 instance), from their actual proportions to physical markings such as scars or tattoos, regardless of whether or not these features are available as an in-game customization option. Moreover, this alternative character model would only be used if the player it is based on is currently playing. If any other person starts playing the game on that file, the character model will revert to its "original" form. It will then restore its anomalous properties should the appropriate player resume gameplay.

Within minutes of starting a valid save file, SCP-XXXX-1 will begin to empathize with the player character, often reaching unreasonable levels of personification as they treat the character as though it were a real person. As cumulative play time reaches an hour, they will begin to accumulate knowledge about the game's fictional world, even if they were never previously exposed to it. After two hours of play, SCP-XXXX-1 will possess roughly the same amount of knowledge that their character would be expected to have in-universe, even if that information was not presented in-game.

Around this point, SCP-XXXX-1 instances have been observed to undergo personality changes that roughly correspond to their player characters' in-game characterization. Where applicable, it will be based on narrative decisions made in the game. SCP-XXXX-1 will also refuse to cease gameplay after this point, and will attempt to thwart attempts to forcibly terminate their current session in a variety of ways that will enable them to continue playing the game.

SCP-XXXX-1 instances which experience less than four hours on a valid save file will show a regression of symptoms shortly after their gameplay ends. Re-exposure to the same save file will result in a rapid relapse to the furthest onset of their symptoms.

Any SCP-XXXX-1 instance which experiences more than four hours on a valid save file becomes an instance of SCP-XXXX-2, which will immediately terminate gameplay on their own, but show no recession of symptoms. They will also refuse to play that game, or any other, including a different valid game. Attempts to load the associated save file, even by unaffected persons, will result in a system crash.

Seventy-two hours after an instance of SCP-XXXX-2 manifests, a Morph Event will occur, transforming the instance into an SCP-XXXX-3 instance. They will be instantaneously equipped with any clothing, armor and equipment, including weapons, that their game-created character was possessing at their furthest progression on that file. These items are fully-functional, regardless of any limitations that would prevent their use in the real world.

Upon manifestation, an SCP-XXXX-3 instance will believe itself to be the associated player character; moreover, any skills and abilities the character has are available for SCP-XXXX-3 to use. Finally, an SCP-XXXX-2 instance that is terminated prior to a Morph Event will be anomalously reanimated after the conclusion of said event. However, all SCP-XXXX-3 instances are mortal, even if their associated character is immortal in their respective game.

Amnestic treatment is shown to reverse the effects of SCP-XXXX. However, as with termination, such treatment will only "take" if administered to an SCP-XXXX-3 instance. SCP-XXXX-2 instances will be symptom-free following treatment, but a Morph Event will still occur on-schedule, resulting in the SCP-XXXX-3 instance re-acquiring all of its anomalous properties.

Former SCP-XXXX-3 instances who attempt to play any valid game on SCP-XXXX will result in the game persistently displaying its "Game Over" screen. If the valid game doesn't have a "Game Over" screen, the [console] will instead experience a system crash.

Discovery: The console containing SCP-XXXX was recovered from the from the apartment of Jason ████████ by members of the ████████████, New Jersey Forensics Laboratory as part of their investigation into a mass-shooting in which Jason managed to kill eighteen civilians and wound four others before being killed by sniper fire.

The investigation turned up no source from which Jason could have purchased his weapons or body armor, all of which was military-grade. Neither his social media accounts nor his personal journal showed any rational or irrational motivation for his actions. Both, however, alluded to frustrations at being unable to send or receive private messages using his [whatever] account on 02-24-2018, eight days prior to the shooting2.

Subsequent examinations of Jason's console confirmed these technical flaws but were inconclusive in diagnosing the cause. It was taken into Foundation custody shortly thereafter by Agent █████, embedded in the forensics laboratory, under suspicions that additional anomalous effects were present; see Addendum XXXX-A.

[Will be written as soon as details are ironed out. Your understanding on this matter is appreciated]