rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class:Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Foundation web crawlers, planted political operatives, and open-source analysts are to monitor extant political parties. Particular attention should be paid to newly established parties and parties espousing extreme statist or libertarian philosophies as graphed by the Nolan political alignment chart. Such parties running for office in regions that contain major Foundation facilities are priorities for SCP-XXXX instance monitoring. Containment procedures must be carried out before a [INSERT OMINOUS NAME HERE]-event occurs.

Should a political party with little public exposure, few followers, and zero elected officials be identified as containing an instance of SCP-XXXX, Foundation agents and embedded political operatives in host nations are to use Foundation-compliant media sources to paint the party as a satirical party or "joke" party. Foundation agents should detain and interrogate party leaders and organizers, and then administer class-C amnestics.SCP-XXXX/L3 approval is required for additional measures such as, embedding a Foundation operative or blacklisting party messages by local, national, or international media.

Foundation agents are to infiltrate parties that enjoy limited name recognition, exhibit more extensive political organization, and/or have at least one elected official in a position of regional importance. Once embedded, agents will become involved at the highest levels of developing party policies and with generating platform messages. Should instances of SCP-XXXX manifest, candidates and senior party operatives are to be detained, interrogated, administered class-B amnestics, and released. Additional measures, including fabricated political scandal, election tampering, and targeted use of aerosolized-amnestics require SCP-XXXX/L4 approval.

Foundation assets will infiltrate any major national parties or international political movements with robust and well-funded organization that have at least one politically prominent figure of national or international importance for the purposes of:

  • shaping party platforms to subsume party membership into larger, more centrist political movements.
  • sabotaging party efforts to expand influence into new regions.
  • exposing instances of political corruption, criminal behavior, or moral hypocrisy by party leaders, elected officials, or other high ranking members.
  • hiding instances of political corruption, criminal behavior, or moral hypocrisy by party leaders, elected officials, or other high ranking members.
  • reducing party influence and popularity to that of relatively obscure regional parties as outlined in paragraph three of these procedures without driving party ideology further to political extremes as defined by the Nolan political alignment chart.

Should an instance of SCP-XXXX manifest in a major party, all SCP-XXXX project resources, up to and including activation of Mobile Task Force Lambda-22 ("Grassy Knolls"), are authorized for supressing SCP-XXXX before a [INSERT OMINOUS NAME HERE]-event occurs. Pending O5 clearance, targeted memetic strikes, widespread aerosolized-amnestic bombardment, and procedure-XXXX-Duck and Cover are authorized.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an memetic ideology which affects members of certain political parties and organizations. Instances of SCP-XXXX begin manifesting by vague but increasingly clear refrences to secret organizations, societies, and a secret history of the world being referenced in literature, communiques, broadcasts, and/or live political events made by the host party. These themes evntually dominate internal party dialog until their unveiling at a major political event commensurate with the political party's importance. These [INSERT OMINOUS NAME HERE]-events may include political conventions, candidacy announcements, and electoral victories and defeats. In an [INSERT OMINOUS NAME HERE]-event, the primary anomalous affect manifests as the candidate, leader, or apparatchik displays and communicates to as wide an audience as possible, extensive knowledge pertaining to the existence of the Foundation and other GoIs such as the Global Occult Coalition. Information will invariably include local Foundation activities, agents, the nature of SCPs, and in ██ cases, the exact anomalous properties of SCPs contained in the political district the [INSERT OMINOUS NAME HERE]-event took place.

This information is accepted as true in all cases of successful SCP-XXXX infection, and except in subjects where the existence of the Foundation, anomalous objects, or other GoIs is known, will memetically predispose the subject to hostility towards the Foundation. To date, three [INSERT OMINOUS NAME HERE] - events have led to direct attacks on Foundation facilities and personnel leading to 47 Foundation casualties and containment breaches of █ objects.

Transmission vectors are varied and have included visual, aural, and tactile attack vectors. Epidemiology studies in laboratory conditions indicate the memetic component of the attack is highly adaptable to various transmission techniques but works most effectively by direct, prolonged, person-to-person contact. Risks of memetic infection are low, approximately 5%, for subjects exposed to SCP-XXXX through secondary means. Large public gatherings remains the most virulent transmission method of SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX has a minimum transmission time, currently known to be at most 38 seconds.

SCP-XXXX may be a metastasized growth of the non-anomalous secret government meme as instances of SCP-XXXX manifesting have proportionally increased as its non-anomalous analog has permeated a wider public consciousness. It is currently theorized that SCP-XXXX is an information-warfare meme utilizing an engineered, metastasized growth of the non-anomalous secret government meme [i.e. Illuminati, Men-in-Black, ███████ ████ █████ ██ ████████]. Unsuccessful SCP-XXXX attacks result in generalized, non-specific paranoia in 38% of subjects with large numbers of subjects professing beliefs in shadow governments, paranomal organizations, and/or the anomalous. Organizations, individuals, or entitites conducting said attacks are unknown.