The Gas Car

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The Gas Car is to be housed in a standard containment cell of sufficient size to accommodate it. It must be situated away from bodies of water large enough to allow for potential immersion.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a vintage 1953 Studebaker Commander V8 automobile, characterized by its crimson red exterior. The headlight on the right side is currently non-functional. Remarkably, the vehicle's fuel intake appears to possess an inexhaustible capacity, resulting in perpetual operation without fuel depletion.

SCP-XXXX was acquired by the Foundation following the demise of Joshua ██████. Bill ██████, Joshua's father, had gifted him the vehicle for his 17th birthday after procuring it from a dubious car dealer. During Joshua's inaugural drive to his grandmother's residence, SCP-XXXX reportedly lost control while traversing a bridge, resulting in a fatal plunge. Subsequently, Bill ██████ blamed himself for the incident, regretting his decision to purchase the antiquated vehicle. Law enforcement later recovered Joshua's remains along with SCP-XXXX, which was linked to an additional 58 fatalities involving water-related incidents, despite exhibiting no apparent damage. Recognizing the anomaly's potential threat, the SCP Foundation assumed custody of the vehicle.

Experiment Log XXXX-1:

Date: ██-██-████
Subject: Class D Personnel
Procedure: The Class D personnel was instructed to activate SCP-XXXX and drive it in a controlled circle within a containment cell adjacent to a 30-foot deep body of water. The cell was an open field with a nearby lake.
Details: Upon starting SCP-XXXX, the vehicle exhibited significant mechanical vibrations. Shortly after activation, the Class D personnel reported that the vehicle's doors had automatically locked. Despite attempts to exit, the Class D was unable to escape as SCP-XXXX proceeded to accelerate directly into the adjacent lake.

Following approximately 20 minutes submerged underwater, recovery teams successfully retrieved SCP-XXXX from the lake. Remarkably, the body of the Class D personnel was conspicuously absent. Extensive search efforts of the lake yielded no trace of the Class D personnel's remains, except for the recovery of the Class D's keycard within the vehicle upon extraction.